Should You Do A Boudoir Shoot?

Here how to know for sure if you should do a boudoir shoot
1. If you're single or taken
2. If you're completely comfortable in your own skin or if you're still working towards that
3. If you’re a size 0 or a mid/plus size baddie
4. If you like to have a damn good time

laying down boudoir pose

I think there is a huge misconception about boudoir photography. To me it isn’t pornographic or strictly sexual. It is a celebration of these beautiful and unique bodies we have. It’s about women embracing both the things they love and the things they have a hard time loving about themselves. It’s self acceptance and art and inspiration and empowerment.

I am totally awed and grateful that this is my job. I get to meet so many different women. I get to lift them up and help them feel fierce and liberated and lovely. I have had the privilege of photographing women of all different walks of life, all different shapes and sizes, and different personalities and gifts. It’s downright inspiring.

I battled an eating disorder and depression and had an unhealthy relationship with my body for far too long. Because of that I am a huge huge believer in spreading body positivity. I’m so thankful that these ladies are open to letting me share their images. Because maybe one other person out there, who is struggling or feeling inadequate or not good enough, will see these photos and maybe it will give them courage to keep going. Maybe they will see someone who has a similar body type or story or background celebrating and embracing themselves and it will be an inspiration. 

standing boudoir pose in black long sleeve bodysuit
standing boudoir pose with sweater
sitting on bed boudoir pose
boudoir pose laying on bed with leather jacket
boudoir pose sitting in chair

Ladies- I think we can all agree that there is enough pressure and enough judgement thrown at us on the daily from the world. We’re not pretty enough. We try too hard. We’re not smart enough. We’re too opinionated. We’re not confident enough. We’re prudes. We’re too skinny. We’re too fat. We’re sluts. We’re just moms. We work too much. We’re confusing. We’re too vocal. We’re too emotional. We’re always going to be too much of this and not enough of that for someone. 

So ya know what? Who cares?! Seriously! Who the hell cares! Forget all that noise. You’re pretty freaking fabulous. You’re a god damn she-wolf! Let’s spend more time celebrating ourselves and each other. Look in the mirror and tell yourself just how special you are! Then call up your best people and tell them how special they are. Ok? Ready go!

Also if you were wondering if you should do a boudoir shoot. If you've even had the smallest desire to do it well then I think it's about time you do it… Reach out to me and I’ll give you alllll the info you need. We’ll set you up with a shoot and get your started on your journey to self love.


Wisconsin Rapids Senior Photographer // Class of 2017


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