Turning Your Hobby into a Business // 3 Steps to Pursuing Your Passion

We were all made to live creatively and passionately. Everyone has something special about them. Something that they are passionate about. These things are not happenstance. I truly believe that your passion is your purpose.

You have passion. I know it's in there. That thing that intrigues you. That thing that you could spend hours talking about. That thing that you get lost day dreaming about. Maybe it’s writing or painting or cooking or music or acting. Maybe it’s teaching or design or fitness or style. Maybe it’s planning events or helping and serving others. Whatever it is. It’s there. And you need to use and share that passion and those talents. If you don’t you are wasting it. Plain and simple.


Now I’m not telling you to quit your job or move across the world to pursue a hobby you enjoy. I mean, if God and the universe are telling you to go live on a beach and start surfing every day, who am I to stop you? But in most cases your passion can live pretty comfortably within the life you already have. But you have to make a little room and let it in. Start a blog, join community theater, organize a writers group that meets once a month, record a podcast, host a dinner party for friends, start a garage band. Do something with it. Which brings us to step one.

1. Just do it!
Seriously. Get started. I guarantee there is something small you can do today. There is one thing you can add into the daily routine you already have that will help move you closer to living a passionate life. Even if you’re already on that path, there is always something new to learn and ways to grow. Make time for it! We all have the same number of hours in a day. If you care about it you will make time for it. I have a friend who gets up sometimes as early as 4:30 to work on her own business before she heads to her full time job. Because she is that passionate about it!

2. Don’t Worry About the Outcome 
“your art
is not about many people
like your work
your art
is about
if your heart likes your work
if your soul likes your work
it’s about how honest
you are with yourself
and you
must never
trade honesty
for relatability”
-rupi kaur
For real though guys. Your only job is to create, do, pursue. Not to make people like you or get rich and famous. But if it’s your dream then it shouldn’t matter what people think or say anyway. It shouldn’t matter if you’re a complete success or you’re never recognized. That’s not why we do the things we’re passionate about! We do it because it makes us come alive. It sets our souls on fire. It is an extension of ourselves. 

3. Be Grateful/Be Generous
When you include other people in your journey with a grateful and generous heart it’s a hell of a lot more fun. Let those who are mentoring and inspiring you know what their influence means to you! Make sure you’re thanking God and the universe for instilling such unique interests and desires in you. And then you must be willing to share your knowledge and gifts, however small it may seem, with others. Be relentlessly generous. Help someone else out. Put it all out there. I am a firm believer that you get what you give!

free printable passion foliage greenery design

And because free stuff is where it's at I've got a special little shareable/printable graphic. So grab it below, share it on instagram with the hashtag #wildishheart and tell me what you're passionate about! 


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