The Oxbow Hotel Wedding // Eau Claire, WI // Kayla + Stephen

Kayla and Stephen’s wedding at the Oxbow Hotel in Eau Claire was the perfect example of doing things your own way! These two threw tradition out the window and made a day that was totally and completely them. It was intimate and thoughtful and at the Oxbow that holds a special place in their hearts. It is where they had one of their first dates and they keep coming back every year to celebrate. So it was only fitting that they have their wedding there.

the oxbow hotel mural in eau claire wisconsin
white anemone mason jar centerpieces with green runner at the oxbow hotel

Kayla and Stephen knew they wanted something intimate. They didn’t want a wedding with 300 people. They just wanted their closest family and friends. I loved this cozy little setup they had for dinner. Not only was it beautiful and intimate and everyone could see and talk to each other, but it was also in this little art gallery. Which is just the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.

gold lobster wedding centerpiece at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
white anemone mason jar centerpieces with green runner at the oxbow hotel
white anemone mason jar centerpieces with green runner at the oxbow hotel

The centerpieces were simple and beautiful! Just some white flowers, including anemones, and a green runner. Add to that the hand made mugs that doubled as favors and you have absolute perfection.

white anemone mason jar centerpieces with green runner at the oxbow hotel
wedding reception place cards with green writing
custom wedding cookies shaped like arcade games and record players

And why have cake when you can have cookies?! And custom cookies that look like two of your favorite things, arcade games and record players!

arcade game wedding cookies
the oxbow hotel painted window
white anemone mason jar centerpieces with green runner at the oxbow hotel
white anemone mason jar centerpieces with green runner at the oxbow hotel
arcade bar tokens wedding favor
arcade game custom cookie for wedding at the oxbow hotel
wedding rings on name tags at the oxbow hotel
wedding dress hanging on door at the oxbow hotel in eau claire wisconsin
groom's green suit hanging on wall at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
boutonniere in glass at the oxbow hotel
wedding rings on vinyl album at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
bride putting in earrings at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
bride getting dressed at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
little mermaid colored bomba socks for groom
groom green suit with custom stitching inside
wooden triangle ceremony backdrop at the oxbow hotel in eau claire

Kayla and Stephen had their outdoor ceremony in the back of the Oxbow. It worked out perfectly! It was just the right size for their intimate wedding. Also may I just add that they got married in October and it was the most gloriously perfect fall day you can imagine. The sun was shining, it wasn’t too hot or too cold. It was seriously just perfect.

wooden triangle ceremony backdrop at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
bride walking down aisle with father at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
groom watching bride at the oxbow hotel
bride walking down aisle with father at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
outdoor wedding ceremony at the oxbow hotel in eau claire wisconsin
outdoor wedding ceremony at the oxbow hotel in eau claire wisconsin
outdoor wedding ceremony at the oxbow hotel in eau claire wisconsin
outdoor wedding ceremony at the oxbow hotel in eau claire wisconsin
outdoor wedding ceremony at the oxbow hotel in eau claire wisconsin
gin and tonic unity ceremony for wedding at the oxbow hotel
gin and tonic unity ceremony at the oxbow hotel in eau claire

I have been to A LOT of weddings. I have seen a ton of ceremonies. But this is the most unique unity ceremony I have ever seen. And it was so true to who Kayla and Stephen are! They made a gin and tonic and then each drank from the same cup. Stephen’s brother in law officiated and he tied the whole unity ceremony together with some beautiful words. I can’t remember it now of course, but he referenced what they both bring to the table in their relationship. I do remember him saying that Kayla was bubbly like the tonic. You get the gist.

gin and tonic unity ceremony for wedding at the oxbow hotel
gin and tonic unity ceremony at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
gin and tonic unity ceremony at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
bride reading vows during outdoor ceremony at the oxbow hotel
bride reading vows during outdoor ceremony at the oxbow hotel
groom reading vows during outdoor ceremony at the oxbow hotel
groom reading vows during outdoor ceremony at the oxbow hotel
bride and groom kissing during outdoor ceremony at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
bride and groom with dog during outdoor ceremony at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
bride and groom holding hands in downtown eau claire wisconsin
bride and groom crossing street in downtown eau claire wisconsin
bride and groom on wooden bridge in downtown eau claire
bride and groom on wooden bridge in downtown eau claire
bride and groom on wooden bridge in downtown eau claire

Downtown Eau Claire was showing off for us when we took portraits! The fall colors were absolutely beautiful and the light was super dreamy.

bride and groom kissing in front of orange fall trees in eau claire
bride and groom kissing in front of orange fall trees in eau claire
bride and groom kissing in front of orange fall trees in eau claire
bride and groom holding cocktails at the oxbow hotel in eau claire wisconsin
pergola outside the oxbow hotel in eau claire wisconsin
vintage drink serving tray with wisconsin on it
bride and groom holding cocktails at the oxbow hotel in eau claire wisconsin
bride and groom holding cocktails at the oxbow hotel in eau claire wisconsin
silhouette of bride and groom in front of oxbow hotel window
bride and groom kissing in front of red vines at the oxbow hotel
bride and groom in front of red vines at the oxbow hotel
bride and groom in front of red vines at the oxbow hotel
silhouette of bride and groom in front of window at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
bride and groom kissing in front of oxbow hotel mural
bride and groom drinking cocktails in front of oxbow hotel mural
wedding reception dinner at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
all american breakfast for wedding reception dinner at the oxbow hotel

Stephen and Kayla opted for breakfast for dinner instead of some dried out chicken breast and bland green beans. I would have to say this was an absolutely win!!! Highly highly recommend. Why aren’t more people having breakfast for dinner for their weddings?!?

breakfast burger for wedding reception dinner at the oxbow hotel
wedding reception at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
bride and groom outside the oxbow hotel at night
outdoor wedding reception at the oxbow hotel in eau claire

After dinner was finished the whole wedding party spent some time outside by the campfires. It was the perfect little space for everyone to hang out, relax, chat, and have a couple drinks.

outdoor wedding reception fire at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
outdoor wedding reception fire at the oxbow hotel in eau claire
bride and groom dancing at wedding reception at the oxbow hotel

While everyone was enjoying the fire outside, the Oxbow turned over the reception room so everyone could get down for a little bit. Gotta get at least a few dances in!

bride and groom walking in downtown eau claire

Instead of having a giant reception, Kayla and Stephen decided to keep it non traditional and have everyone head to an arcade bar! It was the perfect way to end the evening.

purple party like its 1999 neon sign at arcade bar in eau claire
bride and groom playing arcade games for wedding reception in eau claire
bride and groom playing arcade games for wedding reception in eau claire
bride and groom playing foosball at arcade for wedding reception in eau claire
bride and groom playing foosball at arcade for wedding reception in eau claire

Fall Engagement Photos // Wisconsin Rapids, WI // Julie + Alex


Fall Senior Session // Detroit, MI // Katelyn