Free Goal Setting Worksheet // New Year’s Resolutions that AREN’T a Diet

The year is finally coming to an end! *collective sigh of relief*
I know this time of year comes with a lot of pressure to overhaul our lives and more specifically our bodies. You’re going to see so much marketing for losing weight as a New Year’s resolution. But I’m going to let you in on a secret, most of those people do not care about your health or wellbeing they care about your money. And also you do not need an extreme fad diet or grueling workout routine to have value, have an amazing 2022, and be happier with your life. 

So here are some ideas that have absolutely nothing to do with how your body looks and everything to do with actually making you and your life better!

  1. Start or join a book club - a book club is such a good way to foster community and enrich your mind! Lots of people say they want to read more and this is a great way to hold yourself accountable. P.S. If you’re going to start a book club hit me up because I’m in the market for one!

  2. Pick up a new hobby - that thing that you’ve always wanted to learn to do? Yeah. You should do it now. We live in a world where you can find education online for just about everything. Learn to play an instrument guitar, do pottery, paint, speak a new language. The options are endless and there is free tutorials and lessons if you look for them. At the beginning of the pandemic I started to teach myself embroidery and it is such a therapeutic thing for me now. Discovering a creative outlet is a resolution that will last forever.

  3. Learn to cook - instead of restricting what you eat in the new year, branch out and try something new! Again there is so much free education online. Or you can buy a cookbook or sign up for a meal delivery service to get you started.

  4. Get your finances in order - Money money money. It’s always such an uncomfortable thing to talk about but that’s usually because people feel lost when it comes to their finances. Maybe this year you can set something up to start paying off your debt, put a percentage of every paycheck into a savings account, set up a retirement fund, or meet with a financial advisor.

  5. Declutter/get organized - It’s amazing how much your environment affects your mind. If you’re coming home to a messy space chances are you’re not going to be able to relax like you want to. Make Marie Kondo proud! Go through your clothes and donate what you don’t actually wear, buy some organization containers for your pantry, go through all those “maybe this is important” papers you have stuffed in a drawer, hire a cleaning service to come and help you. Whatever. Your space should be your sanctuary.

  6. Live more sustainably - it’s no joke that the earth is on fire. And I know it’s hard to believe that one person can make a difference but every little bit helps. Invest in some reusable shopping bags, a reusable water bottle, products with plastic free packaging like shampoos and conditioner. There are so many little things you can do in your day to day life that will leave the planet better for the future.

  7. Be more intentional with your relationships - It’s no surprise that the majority of people don’t feel like they have work/life balance. We live in a world that glorifies “hustling” and working to the point of burn out. Not to mention the time we spend on social media vs having real life interactions. But in 20 years you’re not going to care if you made that deadline, or how much money you raked in, or how many likes that instagram post got. You’re going to cherish the time spent in the people you love. So in the new year be intentional about spending time with those people. Plan date night twice a month whether that’s with your significant other, children, parents, or friends.

  8. Get more/better sleep - It’s really hard to enjoy your life, be productive, and be present when you’re constantly exhausted. Getting better sleep might seem like a pipe dream of a new year’s resolution but it’s definitely possible. Go to bed at the same time every night, put your phone on airplane mode, invest in a weighted blanket, try sleep meditation… Your body needs rest if you want to improve your life!

  9. Spend more time in nature - Being in nature is amazing for your body, mind, and soul. It’s not an opinion it’s a fact. Spending time in nature lowers stress levels and increases your endorphins. Getting outside is maybe one of the easiest things you can do this year. Walking, hiking, running, biking, rollerblading, fishing. Find something you enjoy that makes your life better.

  10. Help others - Looking outside of yourself and your own needs is one the best resolutions you can adopt. Volunteer at your local schools/hospital/human society, organize or help with local fundraisers and benefits, or find an organization/non profit that you feel passionate about and become a regular donor.

Making new year’s resolutions and goals is hard. Most of us have a vague idea in our head of what we would like to change in our lives but few of us actually stick to it or even start. So let’s talk about goal setting and how to actually make accomplish them. First thing’s first, stop making goals that make you feel like shit. If you’re making goals that come from a place of shame and negativity chances are they aren’t going to last very long. “I’m so fat. I need to lost weight.” Or “I’m broke. I need to make more money.” are prime examples of the wrong mindset. Choose a goal that will enrich your life. Then really dig into the why behind the what. Why is this goal important? How will it make your life better or more enjoyable? Having a clear reason behind your goal will make it so much easier to accomplish. Next you need a road map for getting there. Come up with three steps or micro goals to make it happen. And of course, reward yourself. Check in every 3-4 months and see what you’ve accomplished. Maybe that's getting a massage or going out for a fancy dinner. Celebrate making changes big and small.

Lastly, write that shit down! People are 42% more likely to follow through with a resolution or goal if they physically write it down. I made this free goal setting worksheet for you! Because things are more fun when you’ve got a pretty worksheet right? So print it off and fill it out! Or you can write it down in notebook too.

Here’s an example:

Goal: Spend more time in nature/outside

Why do I want to do this/How will this make my life better: spending time in nature boosts endorphins and lower stress hormones. I get better sleep after spending my days outside. I feel calm when I’m in nature and it inspires me. When I spend time outdoors with others there are no other distractions and we’re able to have quality time together.

How will I make it happen:

  1. Walk by the river for 30 minutes three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

  2. Plan a hike with a friend once a month (Devil’s Lake, Roche Cri, Rib Mountain, trails at Sand Valley)

  3. Go out once a month with my cameras and take nature photos (Last Friday of every month)

How will I reward myself: buy a new pair of tennis shoes or hiking boots

That’s a rough example of how to use the free goals planning sheet. So get to work! If you fill it out please please please post it on instagram and tag me so I can see (and everyone else too) that you’re working on having a fabulous year! If you want to dive into goal setting even more I highly recommend checking out India Earl. She has a whole IGTV dedicated to goal setting on her instagram. 

This year has been difficult but as I look back I’m seriously so damn grateful for my clients and this community. Enjoy the holidays and if anyone questions your cookie consumption you have my permission to hit em where it hurts.


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